Saturday, February 20, 2010

Well maintained gear can save you time, money and keep you safe

Taking good care of your ski equipment can make a big difference in your overall performance. When skiing for pleasure or racing, having well tuned skis will help you enjoy the day so much more. This means that you should have your edges sharpened by a ski shop (or by yourself with a file) every time you go out skiing. When the edges are sharp they will cut into the snow and you will feel like you’re in better control and not just sliding down the hill.
This also means that you should wax your ski base to allow your skiis to glide easily over the snow surface. It won't feel like your skis are sticking to the snow. Even if you’re a great skier or a beginner, your equipment must be well tuned to really enjoy it.
Storing your equipmentWhen the ski season comes to an end, you should always put wax on your skis before you store them away. Sharpen the edges and put some WD40 on the bindings. Remember that investing in top of the line skis is only a smart investment if you take the time to properly maintain them.

By Jurg Gfeller, Director, Co-founder and Head Coach at the NSA

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